Hillis Danes
American & European Blue & Black Great Danes
(Hawaiian name meaning "of the Heavens/from Heaven")
(aka Lady Whiskey)
Was born to Lady London & Sir Ardagio on 4/30/18 here at Hillis Danes and is staying here w/us. She is the granddaughter to Lady Lexis & Sir Brody. We look forward to loving this special lady as she grows
~ ~ Lady Okalani ~ ~
Day 1

Week 1
3rd Female, 4th in litter.....Solid Blue w/smidge flashing behind
front paws- (should dissipate)
born 4/30/18 @11:00 AM.....1lb 1oz
5/1/18.....1lb 4oz

Week 2

Week 4

Week 5

2 Months

6 Months

1 year

1.5 years

2.5 years

3rd Female, 4th in litter.....Solid Blue w/smidge flashing behind
front paws- (should dissipate)
born 4/30/18 @11:00 AM.....1lb 1oz
5/1/18.....1lb 4oz
5/9/18.....2lbs 2oz
5/16/18.....2lbs 8.8oz
5/26/18.....3lbs 14.8oz
6/1/18.....5lbs 10.8oz
Week 5 Oakie is still our sweet, sassy confident girl.
we say sweet because she is always so gentle & we say sassy because she has a tendency to sass off after she gets corrected for anything...lol apparently she does not see anything wrong with chewing on my couch blankets - yet hah
Week 2-4 ~Whiskey is still our sweet & sassy, confident girl.
Reasoning: She has been more sweet than sassy, cuddling & giving lovens but occasionally she still gives some sass. but for the most part has been very sweet. We say confident because when out of the whelping pin for the 1st time, she was not scared, she just checked things out.
Week 1 ~ So far Whiskey is our sweet & sassy confident cuddler lol.
Reasoning. We say sassy is because this girl know what she wants, when she wants it & if your not on board she has No Problem telling you what she thinks lol. She loves to cuddle but she prefers to choose who with: her momma, her siblings or us humans....however if she is w/her momma or siblings & we pick her up....if its what she wants, she is an Amazing cuddle bug but if she was content where she was at, she has No Problem telling you what she thinks until you put her back or she gives in, which she will 'eventually' do, so this lady has a stubborn streak - will be interesting to see how this develops over the next few weeks. Some of this can be seen in her facial expressions during her photo shoot. She was not happy with me but in the end gave in.
We say confident because not only is little lady a girl who knows what she wants, she also did not freak out when she bumped into the wall. Instead she flopped down & sniffed the wall & eventually went back to her momma.
We say sweet because when Whiskey chooses to give out her lovens, she is as sweet as sweet can be. She was definitely named right - LoL - she is currently a strong shot of Whiskey (haha) but again will be interesting to see how her personality developes over the next few weeks.