Hillis Danes
American & European Blue & Black Great Danes
Delilah's Pics
Delilah was born right here at CB Hillis Danes on 12/7/16
At 9 weeks old stole the hearts of our oldest son x his wife. Delilah lives with them here in Ohio x is part of our
Selective Dane Breeding Program
~ ~ 3.5 years ~ ~

~ ~ 1 year ~ ~

~ ~ 9 weeks ~ ~

Solid Blue Female Great Dane

3/4th Solid Blue Great Dane Puppy

Solid Blue Female Great Dane
~ ~ 7 weeks ~ ~

3/4th Euro Blue Great Dane Puppy

Solid Blue Great Dane Puppy

3/4th Euro Blue Great Dane Puppy
~ ~ 5 weeks ~ ~

3/4th Euro Female Great Dane Puppy

Solid Blue Great Dane Puppy

Solid Blue Female Great Dane

3/4th Euro Female Great Dane Puppy
~ ~ 2 weeks ~ ~

3/4th Euro Solid Blue Great Dane Puppy

Solid Blue Great Dane Puppy

Blue Great Dane Puppy

3/4th Euro Solid Blue Great Dane Puppy
~ ~ 1 Week ~ ~

3/4th Euro Solid Blue Great Dane Puppy

3/4th Euro Solid Blue Great Dane Female Puppy

3/4th Euro Solid Blue Great Dane Puppy
4th Female, 6th in litter.....Solid Blue - No Flashing!
born 12/7/16 @1:44 PM.....1lb 6.5z
12/13/16.....1lb 13oz
12/28/16.....3lbs 7oz
1/12/17.....8lbs 4oz
1/25/17.....14lbs 7oz
2/10/17.....24lbs 1oz
Wk 9 Ireland is a very sweet nature girl x is doing really good at potty training. She does not have to be stuck to us like glue any more but us still usually very close.
Wk 7 Ireland is a very sweet loving girl who even during play time is usually close by - she prefers us over her siblings. She will play with her siblings but given the choice would be stuck to one of us like glue. She is confident enough in herself to go room to room on her own but is never out of site long or should I say we are never out of her site for long lol.
Wk 5 Ireland has been very quiet x calm the last couple weeks. She doesn't mind playing occasionally with her siblings but she prefers being with us humans. Ireland is still a talker but not as much as before ;)
Wk 2 Ireland has just been eating x sleeping but in those moments when she is awake....she still has a lot to say - lol.
Wk 1 Ireland is our talker, she seems to have a lot to say - unless she is sleeping. So, if your lonely, this might be your lady...but we will have to see - she "could" quiet down ;-)....she does seem to be confident x resourceful too.....as she is 1 of 4 that decided to sleep to close to the edge of the crib mattress x rolled off....all 4 of them assessed the situation instead of freaking out x found their way back up on the bed, on their own.